Heaven gives us so much. Seed-bearing plants are one of the very first blessings the Bible mentions. Seeds are something an aunt and I look forward to seeing, with hope in heart.
My aunt likes to gather pecans each year. Pecans are seeds of a species of hickory tree native to the southern United States and northern Mexico.
Fruits (including tree nuts), vegetables, and grain plants like rice, all make seeds — unless they've been genetically modified or cultivated not to have seeds.
Although seeds are earthy, not heavenly, seeds do tell us some things about our heavenly Father's nature. Seeds are evidence of many things the Bible helps us know about Heaven's hope for us.
Some lessons we find in gathering plant seeds:
- Heaven means for us to have more than we've been given. Through making small investments to sow plant seeds, instead of eating everything we receive, we put ourselves to task in an unstressful and a hopeful way. Sowing seeds blesses us to get some fresh air, and to hope for a kind of blessing that can't be gained from just being given something. God blesses the work of our heart and hands.
- God is naturally generous in ways none of us ever can be. That's why there's an old gospel song that says we can't beat God giving, no matter how hard we try. (So, Satan, stop wearing us out to make us give!) God is the one who gives more than enough, so that not a single one of us, trusting in Him, needs to be without. There is more than enough plant seed in earth, to help us live — especially when we're trusting in Him.
- God cares for each of us, individually. When Jesus taught those who would listen, He said each sparrow has more than enough. (Each sparrow has more than enough insects and seeds, for living.) Then, the Holy Spirit, speaking through Paul's ministry, said not to be anxious for anything. Jesus says Heaven knows our needs before we've said anything at all about a need. God even knows those blessings that bring us the most cheer in heart. And we all need cheer.
- When we cheerfully receive, God knows our little giving will be heartfelt and cheerful, no matter what may be wrong in our lives. That's why God has put something of hope in us about seeds! It's not a carnal thing!
- Heaven sees seeds of human flesh, differently than seeds of plants. The Bible even counts it a curse to waste human seed, which is meant, in Christ, to be given one man to one spouse. One type of seed is personal, while sowing plant seeds is for us to do universally (but tamely, or in order). Amen.
- Seeing how freely Heaven provides plant seeds, many of us want to freely give of our fruit — both our spiritual fruit, and the natural fruit we've grown ourselves. That's just a natural response in us, when we're allowed to live and sow as Heaven intends, working with our own hands and heart, as the Bible says. (By the way, one sure way to know a gardening business is Christian-owned, is the prices charged for a tiny amount of seed!)
- Plant seeds prove that, because God is good, so we can be good. God's abundance discourages ungodly behaviors, doesn't it? Worldly abundance may cause all kinds of greed and oppression, but God's abundance is different. ... I tell you, if there is a people who covet and often steal even simple plant seeds, I think there's a line of scripture to describe them. I think they're called "children of disobedience."
- After all, being fruitful instead of dependent, dogged, stolen from, or persecuted, helps prepare us, personally, for greater works or responsibilities (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12).
Isn't the God who we live for, good?