Saturday, April 30, 2022

The Hope in Seeds




Heaven gives us so much. Seed-bearing plants are one of the very first blessings the Bible mentions. Seeds are something an aunt and I look forward to seeing, with hope in heart.

My aunt likes to gather pecans each year. Pecans are seeds of a species of hickory tree native to the southern United States and northern Mexico.

Fruits (including tree nuts), vegetables, and grain plants like rice, all make seeds — unless they've been genetically modified or cultivated not to have seeds.

Although seeds are earthy, not heavenly, seeds do tell us some things about our heavenly Father's nature. Seeds are evidence of many things the Bible helps us know about Heaven's hope for us.

Some lessons we find in gathering plant seeds:

  • Heaven means for us to have more than we've been given. Through making small investments to sow plant seeds, instead of eating everything we receive, we put ourselves to task in an unstressful and a hopeful way. Sowing seeds blesses us to get some fresh air, and to hope for a kind of blessing that can't be gained from just being given something. God blesses the work of our heart and hands.
  • God is naturally generous in ways none of us ever can be. That's why there's an old gospel song that says we can't beat God giving, no matter how hard we try. (So, Satan, stop wearing us out to make us give!) God is the one who gives more than enough, so that not a single one of us, trusting in Him, needs to be without. There is more than enough plant seed in earth, to help us live — especially when we're trusting in Him.
  • God cares for each of us, individually. When Jesus taught those who would listen, He said each sparrow has more than enough. (Each sparrow has more than enough insects and seeds, for living.) Then, the Holy Spirit, speaking through Paul's ministry, said not to be anxious for anything. Jesus says Heaven knows our needs before we've said anything at all about a need. God even knows those blessings that bring us the most cheer in heart. And we all need cheer.
  • When we cheerfully receive, God knows our little giving will be heartfelt and cheerful, no matter what may be wrong in our lives. That's why God has put something of hope in us about seeds! It's not a carnal thing!
  • Heaven sees seeds of human flesh, differently than seeds of plants. The Bible even counts it a curse to waste human seed, which is meant, in Christ, to be given one man to one spouse. One type of seed is personal, while sowing plant seeds is for us to do universally (but tamely, or in order). Amen.
  • Seeing how freely Heaven provides plant seeds, many of us want to freely give of our fruit — both our spiritual fruit, and the natural fruit we've grown ourselves. That's just a natural response in us, when we're allowed to live and sow as Heaven intends, working with our own hands and heart, as the Bible says. (By the way, one sure way to know a gardening business is Christian-owned, is the prices charged for a tiny amount of seed!)
  • Plant seeds prove that, because God is good, so we can be good. God's abundance discourages ungodly behaviors, doesn't it? Worldly abundance may cause all kinds of greed and oppression, but God's abundance is different. ... I tell you, if there is a people who covet and often steal even simple plant seeds, I think there's a line of scripture to describe them. I think they're called "children of disobedience."
  • After all, being fruitful instead of dependent, dogged, stolen from, or persecuted, helps prepare us, personally, for greater works or responsibilities (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12).

Isn't the God who we live for, good?

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Eating with Joy




This isn't the type post I ever hoped for this blog. But there comes a day when you just feel like you have to lay everything at Jesus's feet. And that's the focus of this outpouring today.

Dear, Lord, help me speak truth, and to walk in your truth. Amen. ... That's the kind of post this is, today.

I remember when I first heard someone say, with conviction, that we were coping with "a trick of the enemy." A fatherly cousin said just that one day.

So, today, I stand ready to say that, often, when someone is frustrating your faith for living free of children of disobedience, your faith for escaping horrors, your faith for witnessing Jesus, your faith for moving forward — when a schemer points at your Heaven-sent provision and plan, and points the word "scheme" at you instead of at his or her own self — you may be coping with an enemy (even an enemy within the church).

That enemy may preach a false gospel that money is power, that being naked is being free, and that the born-again were meant to taste of death.

And you just need to rebuke that enemy. You can rebuke him or her through a direct response, or simply by the way you keep hoping and witnessing and reaching forward to live.

You can cry out that Jesus gave us instructions to remember His sacrifice in a clean, not a bloody, way: that He has given us unleavened bread and the juice of grapes in place of death and blood.

You can cry out that the light of Heaven has no communion with spiritual darkness. You can cry out that Heaven's instructions to Peter were to trust the Lord's judgment (not this world's judgment, but the Holy Spirit's judgment) about meats Heaven has made clean — meats made clean for food, meats sparing us the taste of death.

You can cry out that every good and perfect blessing is from Heaven.

You can cry out that the disciples had not eaten on that very long day when the multitude was fed, and that a boy's fish may have become needed sustenance for all of them — all of the disciples — while those among the multitude were each satisfied with a small portion of bread, because they had eaten at home that day (and then had been spiritually filled by witnessing Jesus's sayings and doings ... on that very long day). That seems to be the most possible truth about that day, according to the King James account of the gospel according to Mark. You can cry out that the multitude went home, where thy likely did eat again. And you can cry out that that's why many churches have a homestyle meal together sometimes, after a long day at worship, even if they've had communion at worship.

You can cry out that God never intended anyone's physical well-being to depend upon a portion of communion alone, but upon every word of our new covenant, including words encouraging us to "eat."

When an enemy within says our Christian joy depends upon lack and tribulation, you can cry out that our joy depends on having met Jesus! Our joy doesn't depend on evil! Our joy survives or persists despite evil. And, if you don't believe that, search the scriptures. Look at the immediate joy in the eunuch from Ethiopia. Look at Paul's joy in remembering the days he first knew his salvation. And then, remember your own walk of faith in Christ, if, indeed, you've walked in Him.

If you've walked in Jesus, you know.

And Heaven knows.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

What Is Prayer?


It's a little annoying, that so many websites and podcasts answer an apparently popular question: How can anyone pray without ceasing?

It takes patience to listen and to read many of the posts, because, when we know the God of Heaven, it just never occurs to us that anyone would not know what it is to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Some people envision a life of non-stop prayer, a life of becoming more like nuns and monks in order to communicate more with God. But that's not the scripture's meaning.

Another scripture says it another way: The steadfast prayer of the righteous avails much: steadfast prayer gets results.

When I got saved, when I received my salvation and knew so for sure, the sermon that day mentioned a woman who prayed for her husband for decades, until he, too, understood God is real.

She prayed for decades. Clearly, this woman knew something about her husband's heart, that caused her not to give up on praying.

And it's not that anyone is supposed to wear themselves out in prayer, it's not that prayers should be long and dramatic, it's not that prayers should be hands pointed together to make a steeple pointing to Heaven, and it's not that we have an obligation never to give up on praying for each and every person we've ever prayed for (Jeremiah 14:11, 2 Kings 9:22, Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Corinthians 6:10-11, Ephesians 2:1, 1 John 5:12-16).

When Paul told the church not to pray for a brother whose sins lead to death, he meant this was a brother so determined to sin, that his sins would take not only his earthly life but would also lead to his damnation beyond death — and not only his damnation, but the damnation of other souls, as well.

When Paul gave that verdict, he also said all [godly] doings are "lawful" for the church to do; but not all godly doings are effective in bringing someone to righteousness.

Clearly, something about that brother's godlessness, compelled Paul to ask the church to stop praying for the man. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, Paul preached. But, clearly, prayer won't bring all souls to faith in the Lord.

And that reminds me of one of the articles I read last night. It was an uncomfortable article for me to read. It was an essay by a United Nations worker who had survived the Rwandan genocide.

She not only gave praise to having prayed to Saint Mary, but she preached a kind of infinite forgiveness — not recognizing that the men who she forgave, were men who had actually given her mercy, and not recognizing that every man is not capable of stopping himself from sinning, not every man is capable of feeling remorse for having sinned or, on the other hand, thankfulness to Jesus for forgiveness of sins.

Clearly, that faithful woman was fortunate to have fallen into the hands of people who were able to know Jesus one day. Yet, sadly, not everyone is going to be saved.

Some among us are just that determined to be bound for hell. And there comes a point when, truly, we stop praying for them.

That was my feeling when the kidnappings in Nigeria didn't stop. That was my feeling when the bombs in Ukraine kept killing. That was my feeling when Ukraine's president steadfastly called for weapons and money. And that's my feeling, having suffered years of tongue lashings that only lead to hell.

But what can I pray, on a sunshiny Easter day?

• I can pray children will thank Heaven for the warm sunshine upon their skin.
• I can pray that children christened (or pledged to Heaven) as babies, will know complete baptism — having become adults who are able to make that heartfelt, public decision.
• I can pray families who have lost loved-ones, and workplaces that have lost co-workers, to COVID-19, to cancer, to murder, will be comforted and will have peace.
• I can pray for my and our children's release from hell's influence and grip.
• I can pray women will know bodily respect: freedom from any and all molestation.
• And I can pray enemies will cease expecting prayer and praise to be on dark, godless terms.

Those are my steadfast prayers, today.

And I can pray whenever there's a touch of God to remind me. I can pray while working in the yard. I can pray while laying down for sleep (Deuteronomy 6:7). I can pray while in the shower. And I can pray with thanksgiving while eating.

I can pray the enemy is a defeated foe. I can pray about tongues that rise up in condemnation of victims like me. And I can keep praying, with forgiveness, for a loved-one's, friend's, and neighbor's traveling grace and peace.
I also can pray for continued work in ministry. I can pray someone gets the message, today, that Jesus didn't label us His "sheep" out of a desire to see everyone on their knees looking up to Him, as in the woman touching the hem of His gown. But He calls us His sheep, because we've faithfully followed after Him, even walking up the kinds of mountains He retreated to at His deepest times of prayer.